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Jörg Müller
a year ago

Dear Wim, I´m member in the Telecommunication Museum in Dresden, Germany. Were do you live in the Nederlands. We have our Grandchildrens in Dordrecht, NL and maybe it is possibile to see your interesting privat Museum and to laern more about the Strowger Equipement and the Person Almond Strowger. Please give me a short Feedback. Thank you very much, Jörg Müller

Al W Kovalick
a year ago

Hello Wim, I have watched several of your excellent explainer videos on the Ericsson (SC) XY, -500 switch and the Strowger (series 2000) switch. Well done! I have done something similar to showcase 5 WE relays using an Arduino Mega and custom PC board. Kudos for building terminal banks to demo the XY and 500 switches.
I live near the JKL museum and know Remco. Please check out See the Demo sections for an interactive multimedia demo. The site has ~20 explainer videos including one on the SxS at JKL with Remco's help.
Cheers, Al (near San Francisco).

2 years ago

Hello Wim,
With great plaesure i discovered your "converting a rotary phone into GSM" youtube video
Just that what i searched for my grandma which has 85 years and living since 2 years in a retirement home.
There she has no phone connection except with a modern smartphone.
She was always using a rotary phone at home, and for her it is very difficult to make the switch
Therefor i got her old fashion rotary phone, from her home and want to "convert" it into a phone connected to the GSM Network
can you redirect me to your Code for the arduino Uno?
I have already the gsm900 shield and made some funny tests.. but not yet found a coplete code to convert to gsm...
Many Thanks
Living in Britanny, Western France

Mark Turner
2 years ago

Hi there. Great website and Strowger rich Youtube videos. I notice that you have buit an Arduino based ringing tone and ringing current generator (including Dial, NUT and busy tones.
Do you have an Arduino sketch for this tone generator as the GPO ringing machine 2A is too heavy for me to transport when I give demonstrations to various clubs etc. The Arduino version would be ideal. Best regards, Mark Turner, Manchester, UK.

Peter vn Breugel
2 years ago

Hoi Wim N.a.v. jullie jaaroverzicht nog eens naar je website gekeken en je Youtube filmpje. Ziet er erg leuk maar ook serieus uit. Je hebt er duidelijk lol in. Ik zag een paar dagen geleden dat de Chappe semafore gebruikt wordt in de verfilming van de Hobbit: de Orkhoofdman (heel foute jongen) gaf via zo'n semafore opdracht aan zijn troepen om ten strijde te trekken. Ook de kerk in Loon op Zand heeft een tijdje dienst gedaan als semafoorpost. Groetjes ook aan Liz Peter

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